Fake encounters: a sociological analysis of cause and consequences
Society is a mixture of different kinds of people who have different
experiences and expectations about life and have different situations
and perspectives in life. Sociology accepts this heterogeneity with the
complete spirit. As expected theseheterogeneity creates some type of
social disturbances. No society is free from so called ‘deviance’ and
from ‘criminals’. Sociologists addressed these social issues from its
root. As Emile Durkheim is pointed out from Primitive society (having
mechanical solidarity) to Modern society the repressive law and order
system is replaced withrestitutivelaws. So the modern society treated or
corrected each deviant, whether he/she is criminal or not, with a set
of laws comes under the category restitutive,which calls not for revenge
but rather for the return of things to the conditions which would have
prevailed had the legal offenses not occurred.
But it is accepted
that all the criminals cannot be treated alike. So in some criminal
cases which threaten the security of the nation or of the same nature,
State uses some kind of repressive laws. That’swhy judiciary system
still executes death penalty. From the early days, policeencounters are
common in India. Encounters were treated as the preventive measure taken
by the state to overcome some crisis like terrorist attacks.
it comes to the case of India, the nation victimized a number of
terrorist attacks like Parliament attack, Mumbai Terrorist attack and so
on and most of them are tied with some terrorist groups or religious
community. Most of the cases, a number of persons were arrested and the
majority of them were educated youth .As the number of terrorists
attacks increased, the number of ‘encounters’ is also increased. And
State and People were celebrated each encounters with media. Because
they believed that each encounter secures their life and nation. But
within a short time, some of the journalists, Social activists and NGO
revealed the tales of encounters and theydeclared most of the encounters
as‘fake encounters’.
This study focuses on the cause and consequences of these typesof fake encounters occurred in India during the last 15 years.
The main cause of these encounters is for promotion in jobs and some of
the writers link the cause to the situation/periods of encounter. As a
social activist wrote in his work, whenever the state faces a crisis
whether it is political or economican encounter or terrorist attack
occurs. Some of the scholars discussed the politics of terrorist attack
and of encounter. Some social workers addresses this issue as the
minority problems, because most of the accused where comes under some
minority population like Muslims, Dalit,and so on.
The consequences
of encounter were considered as decrease of chance of terrorist like
attacks. But when it comes to the case of fake encounters, the
consequence is more than we can expect. It constructed an image of the
concept ‘Terrorist’. But unfortunately some communities were treated as
terrorist and some type of dress code,believes, books,writings,etc. were
treated as the most dangerous tools of terrorist. These concepts were
concreted on the society as quickly as possible. Even after the truth
behind those encounters were revealed, the concepts were still exists in
the society. And these fake encounters decreased faith in encounters
and in media reports. The media is criticized by the people for the
reporting of fake encounters. New medias were took birth as the result
of the criticism. Most of the medias were conducted an investigation on
whether those cases were fabricated or not. Most of the new Medias like
websites, Social media pages, Groups on social media,blogs, etc. were
operated on internet or on e-platform only. Those were managed by the
people who are not professionally qualified journalists. This raised
role of media and journalists on ‘fake encounters’ and a positive impact
is present on some of the reporting. As the result of ‘fake
encounters’, people started to raise questions on all the cases whether
it is a small case or a big one. This can be treated as positive impact
of ‘fake encounter’.
Even though this study focuses on fake
encounters only, the researcher is well aware of that, it is not an
isolated topic. So, the researcher will surely look at the terrorist
attacks, community riots, to the draconian laws enacted as the result of
terrorist attacks and encounters, to the social situation, to the
media’s role and so on.
Main objective: To study the cause and consequences of ‘fake encounters’ in India on the light of sociology.
Other objectives:
To trace the history of encounters in the world.
To know the history of encounters in India (last 15 years)
To know the sociology of encounters
To know about the all official and informative data on Fake encounters.
To understand ,the impact of this trend on Indian polity and society
To search for sociological theories related to encountering and fake encounters
To examine some fake encounters with its cause and consequences.
The method of study is case study. Here researcher discuss and deals
with fake encounters and its experiences in India. Researcher collected
available documents, articles and arguments about it and its
The data collection will be consists
of primary and secondary data.Secondary data were collected from
Government official documents like official websites, ordinances and
press notes, Articles published in research journals Articles published
in national dailies, Magazines, Interviews published in magazines,
Books, Documentories,Films and so on.
Primary sources were short Interviews.
Need of social control,devinaces, crimes, terrorist attacks, communal riots, encounters in short are included.
Chapter 2-History of world encounters
The major encounters occurred in the world with its social background
and cause and consequences of acceptance of encounters are
included.Thepractice of fake encounters are also included.
Chapter 3- Indian Encounters
The major encounters happened in India were studied from history.The
last 15 years of encounters were studied with special focus and it
includes almost all the government and non-government reports on fake
Chapter 3-Sociology of encounters
The different
perspectives of encounter will be included on this chapter with special
focus on recent sociological studies and theories. The sociology of fake
encounters are also included.
Chapter 4-Encounters
distinction between encounters in real and fake are discussed with the
help of varies documents including government and non-government. The
numbers of fake encounters with respect to the real are studied. The
socio-political cause and consequences of fake encounters are discussed.
The positive and negative impacts were included.
Chapter 5-Experinces of fake encounters in India
The comparison of rate of occurrence of fake encounters is noted. Some
of the fake encounters are studied very closely and deeply. The media’s
reporting pattern, the social changes, the common factors in accused are
Chapter 6-Conclusion
Cause and consequences are
analyzed and the statistics of fake encounters were compared. The role
of sociologist on fake encounters is understood.
Submitted to,
Department of sociology
University of Hyderabad
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